
I Love Anime!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Week Four - Flickr

Started flicker today in MPI104 :)
Is pretty cool so here is a link! Stick around for more details :D

This is my flickr page

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Harry Potter The Exhibition and Me

On the weekend (Saturday the 17th to be exact), I went to the Harry Potter Exhibition at the Power House in Sydeny!!! IT WAS AMAZING!!!

For all you Harry Potter loving fans out there, You would have a better understanding at my utter exhileration at standing mere inches from authentic props, costumes and life sized modles used through out the Harry Potter series!!!!

My breath was taken away time, after time, AFTER TIME as I darted through this fabulous exhibition. Although, amoungst picking up mandraks that squealed at you, throwing the quaffle around, being at arms lenght from the old Dumbledore's robes and remarking on how small the four poster beds used in the firdt two movies are, I would have to say that my favorite part was the Forbiden Forrest section! This section housed everything from horcruxes to death eater masks and costumes and even a life sized head of the Hungarian Horntail!!!! I literaly SQUEALED WITH JOY when I saw the massive dementor looming over pasing guests as the hidden fan made it's cloak flitter on a non existant breeze!! I just HAD to grab my little sister and say "DEMENTOR DEMENTOR" whilts pointing at the ominus figure :D

Rating for this exhibition? 10/10!!

The gift store at the end however was seriously expensive with Marauders Maps Going to $50! But none the less, I got a packet of berti botts every flavour beans and a Griffindor pen and was happy enough :)

Anywho, that was my Potter expiriance and I'm thrilled I had it!!

See you round :D

The Harry Potter(c) Everything belongs to J.K.Rowling and the company of Waner Bros studio's

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Posting For The First Time....WOOHOO!!

Hey there!! This is my first post for this blog :D

It's mildly awesome and I'm exited to see how it works out !!