
I Love Anime!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

AIAF For The Win!!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the non postingness, uni has been one hell of a stress ball and my lacking of internet at home really dosen't help!

Moving on....
This weekend in the lovely city of Wagga Wagga, the Australian International Animation Festival (AIAF) is being held!! Am I pumped.... HEEEEEEELL YEEAAAH I AM!!! XD

This amazing festival of amazingness is sure to blow my mind, but unfortunatly it seems that not many other people have noticed it's amazingness :/

Today I went to the cinema to buy my full 3 day pass to the festival, delighted that I get to have my brain jam packed with the worlds currently most awesome short animated films for 3 days straight on the big screen for a mear $40, only to get there and realise that only 51 tickets have been sold! OUT OF 300!!! My mind was blown for all the wrong reasons. How can people not want to go to this super cool festival? I. Just. Don't. Understand.....!!!!!!!!!!!

Anywho, I'm totally pumped and I can't wait for the weekend cos I'm havin a break and going to AIAF!!!!!!!!

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