
I Love Anime!

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Assessment 3

Hey there, this is the Assessment 3 blog post!

Over the last few months doing this subject (MPI104), I have learnt more about the internet and the different way it can be used in relation to this lovely website, dearest Blogger, the place of many photos, Flickr, and the one stop bookmark shop, Delicious!!

To begin with, I mainly posted things on Blogger that directly related to me with no particular genre or theme. Now I have found my theme, it is ….. ANIMATIONS ON YOUTUBE!!!! This has become my theme because lately I have found myself only searching animations on YouTube and I felt the need to share them on my Blog page. With Blogger, I have learnt that blogging is sort of like a better less annoying way of online communication than facebook or twitter .... less interaction with those nasties from your dark, mysterious past ....

Anywho, Flickr I found was pretty cool but I don’t think I’ll use it too much because uploading Photo’s to the Internet is not something I do regularly. Although good in combination with Blogger, it’s not entirely my cup of tea.

Delicious, I feel, is a total waste of time. I don’t like it and I don’t use it. The ONLY thing I like is the way they set up tagging for you; I wish EVERYONE (as in the websites) did that!!

My Web Page (Link not working)? .... Well let’s just say that I’ll never, EVER be making one of those things again, not on Notepad at least. It was just horribly painstaking and I just wanted it to be over! I felt like “Yay, now I know how to make a cheap-o website”…. I did like my Dino theme though :D

All in all I felt as though I’ve learnt a little more about how the big bad Internet works.

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