
I Love Anime!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Assesment #2

By doing this piontless exercise of creating a html website, I’ve have come to realised how crapy websites on the internet cpome into being. Although html may be the most technicaly “wordy” and simple to look at, it is also the most annoying to create and not the best tool to use when creating an eye catching, mind popping website. I found using html in Notepad slow, boring, and annoying. This was mainly due to the coupis amounts of errors that I came across, learning the language and having WAY too many other assessment on at the same time (which is extreamly STRESSFUL!!!!). I couldn’t upload my webite to the webspace amd my fonts where being a pain…..All in all, I didn’t like this assessment.

Despite all that, I managed to make a website I actually like. Themed with DINOSAURS, I believe that this website could be enjoyable to a fair amount of Dino Geeks such as I. The aspect of this website designing nonsense that I enjoyed the most was actually seeing the finished product finished and looking pretty ! I guess that in the proccess I did learn a thing or two. I feel that I’ve gained more respect for those crappy websites out there on the internet, acknowleadge all the blood, sweat and swearing that they went through when creating their useless pieces of internet scum. But I know that I wont be doing this again, not of my own will anyway!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I love your post. I can totally relate to all that you said and yet, it didn't occur to me to say anything like it :D points for speaking your mind! Haha
